Golf Een kniebrace ondersteunt jouw gehele been tijdens het golfen


Knee support for golfers

Improve your score with a knee brace for golfers

As a golfer, you must optimise the rotation of your body to hit the best shot. Improper rotation in your knee, on the other hand, can cause overload and pain in your knee joint. The CLS knee brace prevents this overload and relieves the knee in case of already existing knee complaints. B&C custom bracing can tell you more about it.

Knee brace and golf: how they go together

The CLS brace frame is made of a composite of carbon and nylon material. This material has the ability to absorb and distribute force evenly over the leg and the brace. The brace stabilises the leg so that rotational movements are controlled and, if necessary, limited. Because of these aspects, the forces that occur in golf are less likely to lead to knee injuries while wearing the CLS.

Play golf without concern with a knee brace

The brace features a hinge system that follows the natural movement of the knee as closely as possible. This creates comfort when bending the knee. And it helps you to move correctly during your round of golf. The brace provides stability and security, both physically and mentally. You no longer have to hold back to relieve your knee and can play carefree.

Fitting a knee brace

At B&C custom bracing we always strive for a perfect fit. We view each knee as something unique and we talk about your personal sports needs during the intake. We work with a high-tech scanner that is accurate to 0.1 millimetres, so that your brace fits you like a glove. This is how we develop a comfortable knee brace for you. With us, ‘custom made’ really means custom made.

Give yourself an injury-free golf career. Explore the options for a custom-made knee brace.

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B&C custom bracing
High-impact protection 
due to carbon frame

High-impact protection
due to carbon frame

Custom Fit due to
3D production techniques

Custom Fit due to
3D production techniques

Unique patented
hinge system

Unique patented
hinge system

Fast service
fast delivery

Fast service
fast delivery